Episode 5

Published on:

23rd Mar 2021

Nina Cataldo: Emergency Conversation #powerfulasianwomen

Season Three Episode Five

Emergency Conversation with the legend, Nina Cataldo - #POWERFULASIANWOMEN #POWERFULASIANWOMAN

Nina Cataldo, founder of Hafu Ladies, DEI specialist and Brave and Bold Mastermind leader had an epiphany following a racially hostile encounter last week that coincided with the tragic murders of 8 people in Atlanta.

We honour these people and their families in their grief.

Listen to this conversation as we hear Nina retell her stories, experiences and her call to action to recognise, honour and amplify Powerful Asian Women. Witness her process as she shifts her victim story, and be assured she was and is the victim of hostile racial harassment, and turns it into something Bold and Brave.

Use and follow the hashtag #powerfulasianwoman and #powerfulasianwomen to amplify our amazing friends and collaborators and smash through those stereotypes.

Are you a Bold and Brave Asian Woman who is looking for some serious elevation and to elevate others through action and optimism? Then Nina and her partner Kristy's mastermind could be for you. Details here.

Find Hafu Ladies public page here.

And her Powerful::Strong::Brave post is here.

And see Kristy interviewed on Nightcrawlers here.

Want to hear more about Nina? This is her second time on the podcast and you can find part 1 here.

About Nina

Nina Cataldo is a Tokyo-based Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion facilitator actively working on promoting visibility for multiracialism and multiculturalism in Japan. As a mixed-race Japanese and American, she feels very passionate about paving the way for a more safe and peaceful society for fellow "Hafus" like herself. In 2018, she founded Hafu Ladies, a global community for mixed-race Japanese women where the goal is to continue creating a safe space for women to embrace their identities, educate themselves and others, and to live empowered lives. The community holds educational and social events online. In March 2021, Nina launched a new Mastermind program for Asian Women Entrepreneurs called "Brave & Bold Mastermind". Together with her business partner Kristy Ishii, they guide their cohort in leveraging each members' passion projects and businesses. Follow Nina on Instagram @ninalalala

Website: https://www.ninamcataldo.com

Show artwork for Legends Interview Series Presented by Sarah Furuya Coaching

About the Podcast

Legends Interview Series Presented by Sarah Furuya Coaching
A project that started in mid 2019 but had been on the radar for many years.
Not interested in surface tales of business or cliches of life, I have carefully selected a group of people to bring the richness of their lives to the table with incredible frankness and depth. Each is successful in their own way, have built, created, lost, grieved, started again, moved, traveled, celebrated, and delighted in life. Please revel in the richness of these legends.